

As we said in the last Post,the US Dollar did indeed ,went up, we..ll follow the actual Uptrend(A),that must continue (B). 

In the chart above,there is bullish divergence like the short Bullish Divergence in 240 Min  Time Frame.So we expect a small uptren correction in all th series shown,in order with the Sinergy we are considering.

The Bullish Divergence in the contrarian Indicator (Below),coincident with the S&P Fall.Notice that in the above chart we have overlap the NZD (New Zealand $),that hehave in the same maner as it does al the NZD Crosses in a significant statistic coincidence.Also the Major Moving Divergence is too oversold (A), despite the short Divergence vith two paralell short lines.

Today we,ll see some key market Sinergies.In the chart above a clear bullish divergence,VXN and VIX,both are Contrarian Indicator,that indicate an inminet market fall. 

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